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Friday, November 16, 2012

27 Talking Points About Internet Safety

Scott McLeod clearly outlines talking points that address internet safety, district policies, and essential conversations that should take place with staff, faculty, students, parents/guardians, and community. As we experience increase of K-12 students arriving at schools and classrooms with their own technology (BYOD/BYOT), traditional thought patterns and policies will need to be modified to enhance instruction with technology rather than to prohibit it.

Link to article:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Creativity and Education: Why it Matters

This U.S. study, Creativity and Education: Why it Matters, sheds new light on the role of creativity in career success and the growing belief that creativity is not just a personality trait, but a learned skill. Just to provide you with a few findings, based on the study, 85% percent of respondents agree creative thinking is critical for problem solving in their career, and 68% of respondents believe creativity is a skill that can be learned. Nearly three-quarters (71%) say creative thinking should be “taught as a class – like math or science.

Check out the infographic that highlights these findings (see below).

Additional information available through:
Infographic: Creativity and Education: Why it Matters

Media Alert: Study: Creativity Should be Taught as a Course

Research Results: Creativity in Education: Why it Matters