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Monday, November 12, 2012

Creativity and Education: Why it Matters

This U.S. study, Creativity and Education: Why it Matters, sheds new light on the role of creativity in career success and the growing belief that creativity is not just a personality trait, but a learned skill. Just to provide you with a few findings, based on the study, 85% percent of respondents agree creative thinking is critical for problem solving in their career, and 68% of respondents believe creativity is a skill that can be learned. Nearly three-quarters (71%) say creative thinking should be “taught as a class – like math or science.

Check out the infographic that highlights these findings (see below).

Additional information available through:
Infographic: Creativity and Education: Why it Matters

Media Alert: Study: Creativity Should be Taught as a Course

Research Results: Creativity in Education: Why it Matters

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